Monday 14 February 2011

First Impressions: Seikon no Qwaser

Let’s start with the positives. Despite evidence to the contrary, Seikon no Qwaser is not a simple fan service anime, there is a decent enough storyline to make for a solid action series. You have your good guys and your bad guys both trying to get their hands on a holy icon – the Theotokos of Tsarytin. Both organisations have superpowers, namely the ability to control certain elements, which makes for some visually pleasing amounts of violence. Enter the main character, Oribe Mafuyu, quite a sound heroine to be honest. She isn’t a dainty princess, or an inept bint, that position having been already filled by Yamanobe Tomo, the worse character in the show, or indeed devised. Mafuyu is the shows down-to-earth character (in all regards) and they’ve done a satisfactory job.

And now the inevitable negative. It’s almost as if the creators knew the plot was not a particularly original one and decided to give it a ‘sexy’ edge (I’m using that term lightly). The fighters gain their abilities from drinking a substance known as soma, aka breast milk. Let that just sink in for a moment. Yup, every shred of credibly was just pissed away. No matter how good the show is, or could be, this cringe worthy oversight will always be the main focus. Sasha’s chauvinistic side pretty much sums up how dumb this concept is when he tells Tomo to be proud of her breasts. Uh huh, okay thanks for that, just remember to constantly make eye contact, Sasha.

At the moment I can tolerate the predictable fan service, maybe it’s because I have the cut version, or maybe its not as bad as other reviewers have lead me to believe. Well, fingers crossed I can make it to the end. In other words, don’t let the fan service get worse!

Edit: It got worse. Dropped.

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