Friday 7 January 2011

Otome Youkai Zakuro - Review

Some animes are so perfectly charming that it can make finding fault difficult, a mere challenge in most cases, yet Otome Youkai Zakuro (Demon Maiden Zakuro) seems to have emerged unscathed. The only real criticism I can provide is that the series doesn't expand upon the half-spirit element into an entirely new dimension, then again, I'm not convinced this is necessarily a bad thing. The shows foundations are solid, the story is thoroughly engaging and the lead characters are all amiable. If its not broken, don't fix it. In a nutshell.

Set during the Meiji era of an alternative reality Japan, where humans and spirits coexist, the newly formed Ministry of Spirits Affairs is devised to deal with subsequence clashes between the two. Officers Agemaki, Riken and Ganryu are partnered with half-spirit girls, Zakuro, Susukihotaru, and twins Bonbori and Hozuki respectively. Primary protagonists Zakuro and Agemaki's partnership soaks up most of the limelight, as the pair progress through stages of initial dislike/distrust to understanding and friendship. In hindsight their relationship seems the most healthy, especially when compared to the laid out on a plate romances of the other couples.

The main story arc turns up quite quickly, blending smoothly in between the numerous filler plots and background stories of the main characters that allow for some splendid and detailed growth before leading to an almost natural conclusion. From beginning to end, the simple charm of Otome Youkai Zakuro is the shows strongest allure and rightfully so. I've been bewitched and I guarantee you will be too!

Rating: 8.5/10

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