Sunday 16 January 2011

First Impressions: Beelzebub and Gosick


One dimensional delinquent gets a crash course in parenting.

This isn’t funny. At all. Bad form, considering this is supposed to be a comedy. There’s pretty much nothing likeable about the main character, he’s just a douchebag, surrounded by a bunch of thugs. No wonder the punch line to most gags is a brawl. Hilarious, I’m sure. Enter the demon baby. Not in the least bit cute, very annoying and really needs to be wearing a nappy. Not interested. Surely if the opening is this bad, the rest of the series can only pick up.

Initial Rating: 3/10


Creepy-chan living doll solves blatantly obvious mysteries while male sidekick acts as personal skivvy.

Despite an underwhelming start, I still have high hopes for Gosick, probably because I’ve been channelling European-gothic vibes akin to Rozen Maiden. Leading lady Victorique does a splendid, haughty Shinku impression while Kazuya has the vanilla sidekick down to an art form, with the exception that Jun is more of a brat. Kazuya on the other hand has been designed to fit the noble, white-knight archetype complete with flashbacks reminded him of his duty to serve and protect. In short, he is a doormat. And pulled the short straw in terms of character design, take into account the guy with the hair! Ridiculous enough for two characters, I suppose. As for the plot, it’s a little ropey to say the least. Victorique and Kazuya meet under very tenuous circumstances, there’s no real direction other then the plot requires it. The first mystery is solved fairly quickly and isn’t much of a testament to Victorique’s powers of deduction or actual skill. It’s just obvious. The second mystery seems to have the same problem as well. On top of that Victorique is more like a child psychic than a detective, she just happens to know the correct answer all the time. Still, she is so adorable!

Initial rating: 6/10

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