Tuesday 21 December 2010

High School of the Dead [Complete]

Zombies, carnage, teenagers, boobs. Seems uncomplicated enough. The plot reads like a typical zombie flick, one moment everything is peachy, the next a seemingly normal high school is a zombie feeding ground. Pretty much wiping out all unnamed characters in one frenzy. The survivors; five students and one airhead nurse decide to band together and flee the school. Fortunately after the initial shock of zombie apocalypse now, our heroes become very insightful, handling their current predicament oddly clinical for teenagers, factor in their suddenly useful talents - gun okatu and Kendo champion, and its no wonder these kids are able to survive 12 episodes while their classmates get gobbled alive.

In all, it could have been an enjoyable show, were it not spoiled by the obligatory panties shot, lowering the tone for no other reason then because it could. All right, the creators were trying to push the violence, gore and sex boundaries, but most of the time, the fanservice department was so outrageous that it just became silly. Every Japanese girl having a pair of double D's water balloons strapped across her chest, while running around in grossly inappropriate attire for a zombie apocalypse, might be the average 14 year old male's wet dream, but as a woman, I found myself excluded from liking otherwise flawless action sequences due to sheer embarrassment.

So, what made me stick this show out until the end? Kohta Hirano. The chubby, adorable, resident gun enthusiast, probably the only character who doesn't want the world to go back to normal and have to go back to being no one. The sanest response to zombies, I suppose.

Rating: 5/10

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